Thank you very much to all of our brothers, sisters, and friends from David’s Well who participated in the construction of the health center in Bahia Azul. Please be happy to know that last week we officially handed the clinic over to the Ministry of Health. The center is now equipped with vaccinations, medications and all necessary to provide medical assistance to the people in that community and the closer ones.

Thanks for being the hands and feet of Jesus in each project we work on. We are not only building a center, but we are also indeed blessing these people, we are helping them to improve their life quality little by little. We are showing them that they should change their wrong thoughts about health there, explaining to them how important is to save a life, and that we can do it if we shorten the distance to get medical assistance. We are also teaching, and guiding them about how to prevent illnesses, and at the same time to improve the kids’ life quality.

Please don’t stop praying about these communities, so they can all get to know God and Glorify His Name!

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)